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why the ten commandments matter
‘- The Coral Ridge Hour television program is broadcast nationally and internationally on over 200 stations and has a viewership in excess of three million.
– Kennedy hosts a daily, half-hour radio program, Truths That Transform, carried on over 700 stations, and The Kennedy Connection, a daily 90-second radio feature carried on over 500 stations.
– Kennedy is president of Coral Ridge Ministries, whose newsletter has a circulation of more than 200,000.
– Kennedy’s Evangelism Explosion (Tyndale House, 2002) is used in every nation of the world and has more than 1.5 million copies in print.
– Solving Bible Mysteries (Nelson, 2000), Why I Believe (Word, 1999), and What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (Nelson, 1994-62002) have together sold over 300,000 copies.
– D. James Kennedy (Ph.D.) is the long-time senior minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He is the author of over 60 books.
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