Secrets of the Seer: Releasing Heaven’s Supernatural Realities Into the Natural World
Experience the Holy Spirit in another dimension!
We are surrounded by an invisible world where angels and demons are working. How can we heighten our awareness of this realm? How does it affect our daily lives? And how can impact the spiritual atmospheres around us?
Recognized as a seer and prophetic activator, Jamie Galloway helps you glimpse the unseen dimension. Learn to influence the natural world by partnering with the Holy Spirit to activate supernatural shifts!
You can release Heaven’s supernatural realities into the natural world. Activate your ability to see and impact the hidden realms, and become a powerful agent of change for the Kingdom.
Jamie Galloway helps you to:
Walk in a seer lifestyle, where the prophetic and seer anointings operate continuously.
Recognize seer moments when the veil between the natural and spiritual is thin.
Shift spiritual atmospheres as you discern angelic or demonic forces in operation.
Make sense of prophetic mysteries such as photo flashes, ambiance, and sanctified imagination.
Open the portal to the unseen world, and partner with the Holy Spirit to release Heaven’s power into your life!
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