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Men, Love & Sex: The Complete User’s Guide for Women
In this funny and fascinating guide for women, thousands of men confess what turns them on, what turns them off, and what turns “for now” into “forever.”
What makes a man fall in love? Why do men really cheat? What does he want in the bedroom? What’s the one thing that men crave in a relationship more than anything else (besides that)? The surprising and insightful answers to life’s biggest relationship questions can be found here in the pages of MEN, LOVE & SEX: The Complete User’s Guide for Women. Using an exclusive Harris Interactive poll that surveyed more than 5,000 men and women, Men’s Health(r) editor-in-chief David Zinczenko and coauthor Ted Spiker have written the book that explains and decodes the male creature how they act, what they think, and what they want in their relationships.
With shocking and never-before-seen statistics and powerful confessions, the New York Times bestselling authors present a modern survival guide for women into the inner-workings of the male mind, explaining everything from why he clams up during a fight to the moment he knows he’s found the one. This indispensable guide will help women understand the men in their lives through every step of courtship first dates, fights, break-ups, make-ups, marriage, and everything else along the way”so that women can break through and see what’s happening inside the often bewildering male mind. How? With such features as:
Say This, Not That: Perfect communication strategies for women to get what they want and to get men to open up!
Masculinity Mastered: The surprising truths about men’s feelings and how you can figure out exactly where he stands!
The Ultimate Male Decoder: What it means when a man doesn’t sleep over, when he gets insanely jealous, when he grunts during conversation, when he buys an appliance for a birthday gift–along with insights into dozens of other male mysteries!
Wondering Woman: Answers to women’s most pressing questions about men. Why can’t he say he’s sorry? Why can’t he fight like an adult? Why can’t he aim inside the toilet?
Men’s brains, feelings and actions can be harder to interpret than abstract art. So let MEN, LOVE & SEX: The Complete User’s Guide for Women become your guide to navigating a relationship through all of its stages. Once you know the secrets to the male mind, you’ll be able to bridge the communication gaps that divide men and women. You’ll be able to strengthen the relationship you have now”or use your new insights to find the perfect man for you. In the end, you’ll get better talks, better sex, better fighting, better understanding, better love, better relationships, and a better life.
For the both of you.
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