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Get the Best from a Career Break

Get the Best from a Career Break offers practical advice that will make even the most tentative plans a reality. Included are a self-assessment quiz, step-by-step guidance, top tips, common mistakes and how to avoid them, summaries of key points and lists of sources for further help

Whether you’re hankering after the gap year you never took, you have new family responsibilities, or you want to pursue a long-held dream, taking a career break can give you the time and space you need. Get the best from a career break offers you practical advice that will make even the most tentative plans a reality.

The book contains a quiz to assess strengths and weaknesses, step-by-step guidance and action points, top tips to bear in mind for the future, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, summaries of key points, and lists the best sources of further help.


Mass Market Paperback




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