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Be a Sales Superstar: 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets

Written by one of the world’s best-known speakers – over 2 million people have heard Brian Tracy speak and over 1.5 million have purchased his audio and video programs – Be a Sales Superstar presents 21 of the most important principles for sales success discovered by the author during a 30-year career. Each of these strategies is time- and field-tested to boost sales and ensure success. Using his personal story as a springboard, Tracy emphasizes the importance of thinking seriously and consistently about the goal and how to achieve it; the necessity of selling optimism along with a good product; and recognizing how crucial high self-esteem is to success. Offering readers a wealth of practical, proven advice on becoming top-notch in the field, the book’s chapters include “Become Brilliant on the Basics” and “Use Educational Selling with Every Customer.”

Mass Market Paperback




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